A Professional Solution for Cardiac Imaging
ProSEPCT II, is our third generation, dedicated cardiac SPECT system powered with durable, stroung and heavy duty gantry. It combines improvements in durability and patient comfort. The lowest bed position guarantees easy access even for patients with limited mobility. This generation can scan patients without any limitation in size and weight. ProSEPCT II, as dedicated dual head cardiac SPECT system can be easily upgraded to whole body general SPECT only with changing the detector configuration and size.
ProSEPCT II, main specifications:
Patient handling
No limitation on patient weight and size
Designed for patient comfort and increased versatility
Low table height to ride patient specially patients with limited mobility
Easy to install
Low attenuation patient bed for improved image quality
Durable mechanical parts with low maintenance costs
Optimal detector design for cardiology with minimum dead zone
Adjustable radius of rotation (ROR) to minimize distance to patients
ultra low weight collimator
A wireless ECG system using dry-contact electrodes
Optional list-mode gated
SPECT acquisition
User selectable stop criteria (time, counts or beats)